Cambridge Festival of Ideas | Medical & Law University

Cambridge Festival of Ideas

The Top 10 Universities in the World

February 6th, 2014

Are you thinking about studying in a university and are not necessarily set to study at a UK institution? Good on you! A little adventure goes a long way; however, it is worth considering that out of the top 100 universities in the world, 2 of them are right here in the UK. This article will let you know the top 10 out there; it, in fact, represents universities in just three countries. The UK, US and Japan, pretty impressive that we Brits have appeared in the list two times, not as impressive as our US counterparts though!


Ranked at number 1 is the notorious Harvard University in the good old U S of A. The university was established back in 1636, and the name is derived from the surname of the major beneficiary at the time. Mr. John, Harvard.

Number 2 is The Massachusetts Institute of Technology in the US. The university celebrated their 150th anniversary back in 2011.  Their mission is to teach students to be able to serve the 21st century better by making advances in technology.

Number 3 is of course a British golden oldie, The University of Cambridge.  Back in 2009 the uni celebrated its 800th anniversary. During the time, it has been open; many a famous figure has passed through the doors.

Number 4 is Oxford University,again right here on UK turf. The university has one of the lowest dropout rates of students around the world.

Number 5 is The University of California in Berkeley, United States. They offer nine campuses to study at.

In at six is Stanford University, in the US.  It was first founded in 1895, by then Senator, Leland Stanford, and his wife Jane in loving memory of their son, whom died aged just 15 with typhoid fever.

At seven, we have Princeton University, again in the US. It was chartered back in 1746, and is the fourth eldest university in the US.

At number, eight is The University of California, in Los Angeles, again in the US. It was opened up in 1868 and is the oldest of ten UC schools.

Coming in at number 9 is The University of Tokyo, in Japan the uni was first opened in 1878, and has a great track record.

And, at number 10, again the US has made the list again with Yale University.

So there you have it, should you get the opportunity to pack your bag and study at uni, you should not rule out studying abroad. The US has some fantastic establishments, as does Japan. One thing that remains for sure is that the two countries are certainly going to be able to offer you a different learning experience than that of your UK friends who stay put on UK turf. The choice is yours, and of course will also be determined by your grades, and the policies that are set by each of the universities with regards to accepting foreign students, and of course, the percentile of overseas entries that are allowed to gain entry there each year.